Today they went to the BS for mrsfartball's trial makeup session. MUA was great. She communicated with mrsfartball on the different looks, exploring ways to enhance, giving her opinions, seeking her acceptance level of dramatic looks. And mrsfartball even confirmed her and requested to extend her services for the actual day dinner (to stay behind to assist with 2nd march in's makeup and hairstyle).
Then comes the PG who got mrfartball pretty mad. You see, mrandmrsfartball had decided to go to Batam to take their wedding pics (both indoors n outdoors). They had booked this lovely boutique hotel with different themes for each of their 7rooms. So prior to that, mrandmrsfartball had seeked the BS view on bringing the PG and MUA over for a day. The PG and MUA agreed, with a fee of course.
So mrandmrsfartball had agreed to pay and today when they visited the BS, all the PG was concerned abt was what time he has to reach and what time he has to leave. There was no communication on the style of the photos, the itinerary, but just what time he has to leave. So this got mrfartball pretty mad for there is no display of professionalism in this PG.
Hence mrandmrsfartball are thinking to drop this PG and seek the other BS PG's services. And if he displays the same attitude, then to drop the BS PGs all together and hire a freelance PG. And not let the BS earn any $$.
P.S. BS earns from additional photos selected. So more often than not, they get really pushy during the photo selection session. It costs $65/photo on top of the free 38 provided.
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